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London Womens Clinic in partnership with Surrey Park Clinic

Private Fertility Ultrasound Scans near London

At the Surrey Park Clinic, we offer ultrasound scans as part of your fertility assessment and treatment. They are used to investigate reasons for infertility and also to monitor a natural or assisted fertility cycle.

We also offer fertility scans for patients having treatment elsewhere, in the UK or abroad. They can be booked relatively last minute, as we know how unpredictable cycle dates can be around this time. Please call 01483 454 016 to book or simply book your next scan online. 

The cost of our Fertility Scan is £195 and includes a full report, along with any pictures you require being sent to you directly.

Book an Appointment

Many of our appointments including Ultrasound Scans, Consultations and Therapy Appointments are available to book online by following this link. Alternatively, for fertility and all other appointments, please call 01483 454016

The Purpose of Fertility Scans

If you are about to start fertility treatment at home or abroad, we recommend a general pelvic ultrasound scan as a good baseline check to investigate the uterus, ovaries and surrounding areas. This will establish if there is an underlying gynaecological problem that may hinder your chances of conceiving naturally.

If you are undergoing fertility treatment you may require regular scans to monitor your IVF cycle, in particular, follicle tracking or to measure the endometrial thickness.

What we look for


To see abnormalities that might prevent the implantation of an embryo, for example:

  • Development e.g. bicornuate uterus.
  • Septum in the uterus.
  • Fibroids or adenomyosis within the uterine wall.
  • The lining of the uterus – too thin (leads to poor implantation), too thick (evidence of abnormal hormones).
  • Uterine polyps (prevents implantation by acting like a coil).

Fallopian Tubes

To check for swollen tubes (sign of a blockage).


To see if they are healthy and likely to produce eggs. In particular we look out for the following:

  • Polycystic ovaries (PCOS).
  • Large cysts or endometriosis.
  • Absent ovaries.
  • Absent follicles developing.

Fertility Management

Some of the investigations we can carry out are below:

  • Follicle tracking scans – This involves the measurement of developing follicles within the ovaries throughout a cycle without ovulation induction. These measurements also include the endometrial thickness (lining of the uterus) as this will influence whether the embryo will be able to implant.
  • Luteal Cyst – This should develop in the second half of the cycle after ovulation and the absence of a luteal cyst indicates no ovulation.

Same day scans

Our qualified sonographers are available 6 days a week for your convenience and peace of mind. Most often we can accommodate same-day scans, subject to availability.

Book an Appointment

Many of our appointments including Ultrasound Scans, Consultations and Therapy Appointments are available to book online by following this link. Alternatively, for fertility and all other appointments, please call 01483 454016