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Infertility Treatment in Surrey

What is Infertility?

Infertility is when a couple can not conceive despite having regular unprotected sex for 12 months or more. 1 in 7 couples have difficulty conceiving. Couples who have been trying to conceive for more than 3 years without success have a 25% or less chance in conceiving within the next year. Infertility can affect both men and women.

Infertility in women can be due to a range of problems, from problems with the ovaries (eggs may be low in fertility or ovulation may not occur or be irregular), the fallopian tubes being blocked to problems with the womb. Women can also become infertile if diagnosed with PCOS or Endometriosis. Infertility can still occur, despite having regular periods.

Infertility in men is often a result of too few sperm, poor sperm quality or the mobility of sperm. Men can also have problems ejaculating, which makes having sex and conceiving a child more difficult and causing infertility.

What treatment is available for Infertility?

At the Surrey Park Clinic we understand that infertility and recurring miscarriage can be frustrating and distressing for those involved. Diagnostic infertility tests help couples who are having problems conceiving, including internal tests to check for blocked tubes, ovulation tests and ultrasound scans of the pelvis to check for any abnormalities.

Before any testing is carried out, it is important that a detailed medical history is taken by one of our specialists. Should the need for fertility treatment arise, we offer a unique consultant led service with a team of highly experienced fertility specialists and we work closely with the Fertility Unit at The Guy’s Hospital, ACU to provide seamless, high-quality care throughout your treatment.

For Women

At the initial consultation a detailed history will be taken and examination tailored to your history. Investigations are individualised but can include blood tests for:

  • Hormone Profiling (such as  Anti Mullerian Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, Oestradiol, Testosterone)
  • Recurrent Miscarriage Profile (if required)

For Men

At the initial consultation a detailed history will be taken and the examination tailored to your history.

Investigations will also be individualised but will include:

  • FBC/HORMONE PROFILE/TFT’s/Prolactin, testosterone
  • Semen analysis

Additional investigations can include:

  • Blood Tests: Chromosomal analysis

Why do these tests?

Around 15% of couples of reproductive age have difficulty in conceiving which can be due to one of several reasons:

  • Problems with egg production including Polycystic Ovaries
  • Problems with sperm production
  • Fallopian tube blockage or uterine problems
  • Endometriosis
  • Implantation of the embryo and miscarriage
  • Hormonal and immune disorders in both men and women

In addition, infertility in women is also linked to their age, the biggest decrease in fertility begins during a woman’s mid thirties.

Ideally both partners in the relationship should attend the initial consultation though you can be seen separately. Initial investigations include assessment of both partners. Women require blood tests and an ultrasound including assessment of their fallopian tubes with a HyCoSy or Hysterosalpingogram (HSG). Men require assessment of their semen (semen analysis) and possibly some blood tests.

Once the results of these fertility tests are available your consultant will advise couples on what type of fertility treatment may be indicated. Sometimes couples will be encouraged to continue to try and conceive naturally before embarking on fertility treatment.

Book your free fertility discovery call today. For more information simply click here.