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Outpatient Hysteroscopy

At The Surrey Park Clinic, we understand the importance of being able to book appointments and procedures for the soonest possible time.


With no waiting lists and appointments booked with a team who specialises in outpatient Hysteroscopies, your appointment can be booked at a convenient time, without the need to visit a hospital.


For more information on how to book your outpatient Hysteroscopy, please contact a member of the team via telephone or by completing the enquiry form below.



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    What is an Outpatient Hysteroscopy (OPH)?

    An outpatient Hysteroscopy is a procedure that involves examining the inside of your uterus (womb). This is done by passing a thin telescope-like device, called a hysteroscope, that is fitted with a small camera through the neck of your womb (cervix). Your Consultant doing the procedure can then see whether there are any problems inside your uterus that may need further investigation or treatment.

    Why have I been referred for outpatient hysteroscopy?

    You may have been referred for Outpatient Hysteroscopy for one of the following reasons:

    • bleeding after the menopause (postmenopausal bleeding)
    • very heavy periods
    • bleeding between periods
    • irregular bleeding while on hormonal treatment
    • removal of a coil when the threads are not visible at the cervix
    • fertility concerns
    • following a miscarriage
    • to investigate something seen inside the uterus on an ultrasound scan, such as an endometrial polyp or fibroid.

    The purpose of your appointment is to find the cause of your problems and/or symptoms and plan or undertake treatment if needed.

    What does the outpatient Hysteroscopy Cost?

    At The Surrey Park Clinic, we see both self-pay patients and patients with private health insurance.

    Self-Pay Patients

    The cost of your outpatient Hysteroscopy procedure includes an observation with our Nursing/HCA team, consultation with one of our Consultant Gynaecologists and the procedure: £1,850.

    Should you require a biopsy, polyp, or fibroid to be removed, these will be charged additionally, and your consultant will discuss with you what is required.

    You will also be required to stay in our recovery room at the clinic for about 1 – 1.5 hours after your procedure. Following this, you will then be discharged by your consultant or Nurse.

    Your consultant will inform you after the procedure if you should need a follow-up appointment, and this will also be charged separately at £175.

    Insured Patients

    We work with all major insurance companies from:

    • Bupa
    • AXA PPP
    • Alliance
    • Avia
    • Cigna
    • Vitality
    • WPA

    If you are covered by an additional insurance company to those mentioned above but would still like to have your outpatient Hysteroscopy at The Surrey Park Clinic, please contact your insurance company and inform them of this. They will likely be able to authorise this for you.

    Please ensure that your membership/policy number and authorisation code are available to give to our patient coordinators when booking your appointment.

    What happens during an Outpatient Hysteroscopy?

    On arrival, you will check in at reception, and the team will escort you to the waiting area to relax before your appointment. The Nurse will see you for observations and, if applicable, a pregnancy test.

    You will then see your Consultant, who will discuss the procedure and ask for your consent. Please take this opportunity to ask any questions you may have. In the procedure room, there will be your Consultant, a Registered Nurse, and a Heath Care Assistant, one of them will support you throughout the procedure.

    Will outpatient Hysteroscopy hurt?

    For most women, an outpatient Hysteroscopy is a quick and safe procedure carried out with little pain or discomfort. However, everyone’s experience of pain is different, and some women will find the procedure very painful.

    If you feel anxious about the procedure, you should talk to your Consultant before your appointment.

    How long does the visit take?

    The actual procedure may only take 10–15 minutes. However, the total visit may take up to 1–2 hours, including consultation, having the procedure and time in recovery.

    You can rest in the outpatient clinic’s recovery area for as long as you need (usually about 45 minutes to 1 hour).

    What happens next?

    If no problems are found, you may not need any follow-up appointments. If a biopsy has been taken, you will be contacted when the results are available to book a follow-up appointment where your Consultant will go through in detail a treatment plan.

    Mr Emmanuel Kalu

    Consultant Gynaecologist and Medical Director
    View more
    Miss Lillian Ugwumadu

    Miss Lilian Ugwumadu

    Consultant Gynaecologist
    View more

    Dr Petya Doncheva

    Consultant Gynaecologist
    View more

    Dr Julia Kopeika

    Consultant Gynaecologist
    View more

    Book an Appointment

    Many of our appointments including Ultrasound Scans, Consultations and Therapy Appointments are available to book online by following this link. Alternatively, for fertility and all other appointments, please call 01483 454016